Repro Roundup: Special report: What is happening to abortion rights around the globe?

Steph Black
3 min readNov 2, 2020


Welcome to my column, The Repro Roundup, in which I summarize abortion news happening around the country, why it matters, and what you can do about it — in 250 words or less.

In an attempt to prevent myself from getting completely and utterly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of abortion news in the world, I set up certain parameters early on for this column. I wouldn’t really cover antis and their shenanigans, which includes the current administration. I wouldn’t cover issues that made the news in a big way or dominated headlines. And I would keep it U.S.-focused because that’s where I am from and I know where the resources are. However, there have been such important international abortion news lately, I decided to write this special Repro Roundup edition.

Poland: Polish women are in their second week of protesting the complete loss of abortion access in the country. Thousands upon thousands of women have taken to the streets over a court decision that made nearly all abortions illegal in the country. Follow and support Abortion Dream Team, a grassroots, Polish organization.

Northern Ireland: While abortion was legalized for the first time last October in a massive #RepealThe8th campaign, abortion still remains inaccessible to one-third of the country. Previously, abortion was banned in almost all cases including rape and incest, and punishment for abortion was life imprisonment. Because of COVID-19, women are unable to travel to England for care. Follow and support Alliance For Choice, a feminist and grassroots organization.

Argentina: Last year, the Argentinian president promised to make abortion legal in the heavily Catholic country and send a bill to the legislature. That bill is about to be debated this week, and pro-abortion organizations are pushing to make it happen. Currently, abortion is illegal except for rape, fetal deformation, or risk to the mother’s life. Follow the Women’s Information Network of Argentina (RIMA) and Catholic Women for the Right to Choose (CDD).

Australia: A bill that will decriminalize abortion was introduced in South Australia earlier this month. Unsurprisingly, abortion opponents have used every nasty trick in their books to delay this bill, including spreading disinformation about abortion later in pregnancy. The bill would remove criminalization for women and doctors who obtain abortion care, in-line with the rest of the country.

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Steph Black
Steph Black

Written by Steph Black

Jewish, feminist, queer. Activist, writer in DC. Pro-abortion clinic escort and chronic volunteer. Get in touch, read my newsletter:

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