Repro Roundup: Will Massachusetts finally pass the Roe Act?
Welcome to my column, The Repro Roundup, in which I summarize abortion news happening around the country, why it matters, and what you can do about it — in 250 words or less.
What’s the issue? Since Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, there has been renewed interest in passing a progressive and preemptive abortion law in Massachusetts. The Roe Act is legislation that will expand abortion access in the state if the Federal right to legal abortion were to end. It would ensure that anyone in the state would be able to access safe and legal abortion regardless of age, income, or insurance. It will also allow abortions to take place after 24 weeks if there is lethal fetal diagnoses. The bill has been in committee for 19 months.
Why does this matter? As it stands, abortion is legal in Massachusetts (and all 50 states) and would remain legal if Roe v Wade were to fall. However, the laws on the books in Massachusetts right now, and current Federal abortion restrictions, aren’t great. The Roe act preemptively expands access to abortion in the state, especially for under or uninsured people and minors. It goes hand in hand with ending the Hyde Amendment and passing the EACH Woman Act. Given the new makeup of the Supreme Court, there is finally renewed interest in getting the bill passed.
What action can I take?
- Learn more about the Roe Act from the Roe Act Coalition
- Call your representatives in the Massachusetts State Legislature to pass the Roe Act
- Donate to an abortion fund: Jane Fund in Central Mass provides Contraception, emergency contraception, financial assistance; EMA Fund in Eastern Mass provides financial assistance, lodging, travel; Abortion Rights Fund in Western Mass provides financial assistance
- Volunteer with Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. They have a TON of ways to volunteer and get involved (clinic escorting, in-clinic patient support, administrative help, and more)
- Volunteer with NARAL Massachusetts, they do lots of legislative advocacy, phone banking, text banking, more
- Subscribe to The Repro Queen of DC, my monthly newsletter on abortion access, activism, and writing on the frontlines of DC.
- Subscribe to Repro 101, a seven-week educational email series about all things repro. Topics include the basics of funding abortion, clinic escorting, anti-choice violence, and more.
- Read more of my work, browse the services I offer, and more.
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